Thursday, December 5, 2013

[ God is HERE little girl. ]

HE has done it again.

my Savior has brought me to tears with his faithfulness.

i don't think it will ever get old. i hope and pray it doesn't.

yesterday morning began like all the rest. i drank some coffee. made my protein smoothie. got dressed. [ in my 46NYC Make A Stand tee ] got everything ready for classes. and i was out the door. but it wasn't just an ordinary day. it was results day. so while the morning routine was happening i had the normal sick feeling in my stomach. and then i was once again reminded of one of my favorite songs.

Little Light - Audrey Assad & Matt Hammitt  <--- LISTEN! 

[Look at all the angels watching you
They’re singing songs that we have never heard
Their voices ring like bells over the mountains
Oh, if only we could hear their words
God is near, little girl.
Your eyes are brilliant,deep sky blue.
Your quiet wisdom is an evening song.
The angels must be breathless at your beauty
Like the world catches its breath before the dawn.
God is near, little one.
And Jesus bends to hear you breathe;
His tender hands are holding you tonight.
His heart is ravished when you look at Him,
and oh, the endless mercy in His eyes;
God is here, little light.]

so anyways. then i went to the child development center to do my last observation. and then i went to my last humanities lecture ever. i mean these are all assuming i pass my finals next week. haha! then i hopped in my car and the adventure began.

mama is in florida this week. and dad had to work. and can i just be honest and say that i'm glad because dad makes me really nervous. he means well. he really does. its just that he loves me so much that he just gets so nervous and then makes me nervous and then i end up really grumpy towards him and then it just gets worse and worse and thats all before we're even to the hospital. ANYWAYS. so since they couldn't go i recruited some of my friends to go with me.

sister andrea and sister nina ... so thankful they could come!

i knew it would be good news. i knew they would have called if it wasn't. the pit in my stomach was just the normal thing.

well...after an adventurous half hour of finding a parking deck and walking through the maze called cleveland clinic we finally found the building and i got all checked in. when the nurse called me back i was like "my parents couldn't come so i brought my friends." she just smiled and nodded.

the the usual height and weight. i understand the weight part. but really? do they think i have grown in the past 6 months? i'm 22. not 2. but i mean maybe they think i shrunk? i don't know about you but the only think i want to shrink is this tumor in my head. bad joke? sorry. i had to. i'm allowed.

[ while i was being weighed i turned around and i'm like "whered nina go!?" I LOST HER YOU GUYS! hahaha then she comes out of the bathroom all of a sudden. only nina. like tell me next time! ]

then blood pressure. temperature. pulse. oxygen. everything looks good. my favorite nurse Mary wasn't there and i was totally bummed because she is loud and italian and loves cooking and is so funny and we always have the best time.

then the doctor came in. and the words were music to my ears "scans look beautiful!"

this always puts that lump in my throat. you know the one where you are about to cry but don't really want to and it hurts? yeah i got it. so then we start catching up on life. it was actually a fun neuro appt. all my stuff checked out good. and i did better than last time on my standing with my eyes closed and my hands in front of me!

then she's listening to my heart. and she's like "you have a pulmonary valve stenosis?" and i'm like "mmmhmmm because..." and she's like "of noonan syndrome. i'm studying for my pediatric boards i am learning all about it." YOU GUYS I HAVE ONE OF THE SMARTEST DOCTORS EVER. also she has really adorable twins that are like 6 months fresh and she showed me pictures and videos.

so then the funniest part of the whole visit happens. remember people i have my friends with me. this was nothing i've ever experienced before. so dr. tekautz is like "do you have any questions?" and i'm like "yeah!" and we talked about a concern i have thats a long story and it would bore you so i wont tell you. and then she looks at nina and andrea and is like "do you have any questions?" and of course good old nina is like "YEAH!" now you guys. lets remember that my doctor is a NEURO-ONCOLOGIST for adults and children. meaning she studied the BRAIN for like a million and a half years of her life. so are you ready for nina's question!? ladies and gentlemen ... "if you aren't pregnant can you still take prenatal viamins!?" oh my gosh. my head just dropped. she was dead serious. ONLY NINA. hahahaha i'm still laughing and its been over 24 hours.

so then. all is good. i accidently almost stole the pager that they made me attatch to my collar and was super embarassing. we made our way back to the other side of the world to our car and headed to chick fil a ... i go there every time i get good results. i love chick fil a. our experience there was almost out of a movie. i'm not even gunna lie i was in tears laughing. but its too long of a story for this blog. text me. i'll tell you. you will laugh. it was awesome.

so on our way home. i'm in a car with two amazing women of God. i put on the song oceans by hillsong. the sky was shades of crimson and vanilla. and tears filled my eyes. and all i could think about is how blessed i am. the Lord chose to perform multiple miracles on me over the last 22 years. why me? there are so many beautiful people in this world that have lost thier battle. there are so many parents that have lost precious children that it is overwhelming. so many children that have lost parents. but the God of the Universe saved my life. i am forever greatful that i get to live for the One who died for me. as the song says [ Your grace abounds in deepest waters. Your sovreign hand will be my guide. Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me, You've never failed and you won't start now. ]

you guys. i know i say that i am so thankful often. i hope it never gets old. i hope it never seems ingenuine. i just don't know how else to express it with words. i also know that so many people are struggling with things that they don't speak about. i am just a very vocal person. sometimes too vocal. but please, if you need prayer. email me. or fb message me.

i love you all. and i can't even begin to express how thankful i am for the army of prayer warriors i have had over the past 8 years. days like yesterday will never get easier. but like my precious daddy said when i called to tell him the good news. "we don't need to be afraid, i know exactly WHO is in control, i put my trust in the Lord trooper." amen!

Blessed by a FAITHFUL and HEALING heavenly Father,

Shelby Elyse